Tips in Speeding Up Windows XP

So let's get down to the top 3 things you can do to speed up XP.

Defragment your Windows Registry: Probably the best important of the 3 accomplish and the one that will accomplish the best difference. The alone affair is that you'll charge to acquirement a affairs from the internet as Windows doesn't appear with any utilities to fix this problem. You'll appetite to acquisition a acceptable Registry Cleaner/Defragmenter and run the appliance 1-2 times per month. These programs should alone amount you about $20-$30 and is decidedly cheaper than accepting a computer artisan to fix your computer.

Remove exceptionable applications: Open the Control Panel and select the 'Add or Remove Programs' application. When the account of programs endless up, through and remove the ones that you don't use anymore.

Perform a disk clean-up: Click on the 'Start' card button, again click on 'All Programs', 'Accessories', 'System Tools' and select 'Disk Cleanup' from the list.

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