Tips to Fix Unreliable Wireless Connections

In general, wireless computer connections are reliable. But nothing is perfect and sometimes you lose your connection or experience a weak signal. There are several factors affecting the reliability of your wireless connection.For example, if your wireless adapter is too close to 2.4 GHz cordless phone, you may experience a decrease in the computer's wireless single strength. Why? Because the phone and computer are on the same frequency and can interfere with each other performances.
Handy Repair Checklist for Wireless Interruptions

First check to see if your cable or DSL is absolutely working. Usually amid in your basement, best modems accept four lights. You accept a alive Internet connection if the "data" or "status" ablaze is on. If it's off, or flashing, your cable is out.

If your cable/DSL is working, afresh reboot your computer. Sometimes, if your cable/DSL goes out for alike 10 seconds, your computer and the wireless router may no best be able to allocution to anniversary other. By rebooting your computer, a new IP address is assigned, acceptance them to already new communicate.
If your desktop is wireless and you've confused the wireless adapter,again you may charge to move the adapter until you acquisition a stronger signal.

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